Who is Arvind Kejriwal? Find Yourself:

Arvind Kejriwal is a social activist and founder of "Parivartan"a social organization against Corruption.The main objective of Parivartan is to help people in getting their issue resolved without bribes in government departments and Organizations
Arvind Kejriwal Early Life:
Arvind Kejriwal was born on 16th June,1968 at Hissar in Harayana.He graduated form IIT Kharagpur in Mechanical Engineering in 1989.Befiore joining the Indian Revenue Service in 1992,he served in Tata Steel.Aftrer Joining IRS he was posted in Income Tax Office in New Delhi as Joint Commissioner.In 2000,he founded the parivartan and since then he has been fighting for social causes
Arvind Kejriwal and Right to Information Act:
After founding Parivartan,Arvind took leave from his IRS Job and along with Arun Roy and other participated in Right to Information Act.This is due to his efforts that Right to Information Act,Delhi was passed in 2001 and the National Parliament has passed the Right to Information Act in 2005.Finally in February 2006,Arvind resigned from his job in Indian Revenue service to work full time for the "Parivartan" and "Social Issues"
Arvind Kejrival and Jan Lokpal Bill:
Arvind Kejriwal is an active member of drafting committee that is constituted for the Establishment and enactment of Jan lokpal Bill.He is the main policy maker and key figure along with Anna HAzare in Jan Lokpal bill
Awards for Arvind Kejriwal:
Arvind Kejriwal was awarded Magsaysay Award for his contribution in the enactment of Right to Information Act 2011.Arvind gives credit of reward to all the participants of RTI movement who even risked their lives for this movement.
Arvind Kejriwal Sleeping on Platform
Arvind Kejriwal Contact:Phone Number,E mail address:
Arvind Kejriwal Face book: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Arvind-Kejriwal/126600607383679
Please Arvind ji , Prashant Ji and Kiran Ji, add one more point in Janlokpal Bill as : Those who already committed corruption and siphoned country’s money will not be put into jail and the maximum portion of the siphoned money will be recovered as soon as Bill is implemented. Those who commit corruption after the Bill implementation will be put into jail and full money recovery would be done.
I feel, Janlokpal must give some space to culprits of this country to come out and accept their deeds.
We must also take care that; the country should not get into very big trouble that it will take ages to come into normal state.
Arvindji,SALUTES to you for your commitment to create corruption free India, Services,sp doctors , lawers ,businessmen are still left out of Jan Lokpal Bill,eg this yr there was a bumper sugarcane crop still when sharad pawar announced inport of sugar ,ships loadeed with sugar were allready waiting outside Indian waters, agri minister literally selling farmers of this country.
Arvind Jee, what are your views on the government plan to scrap IIT JEE and AIEEE with 12th marks and Aptitude test.. I think it will do more bad than good. The concept of single exam is good but eliminating physics, chemistry and mathematics based competitive examination is not a good idea..
How can you judge the intelligence of a person or their engineering aptitude based on non-subject examination and 12th marks (which could be manipulated by paying money to the education system brokers)..
soem body should tell Mr. kapil Sibbal, that concept of SAT will highly impact the technical abilities of engineering brains in INDIA as we are 2nd largest country in world in population and some strict standard should apply to get best brains...and i believe..who else rather than you can tell him all this...
Dear Arvind ji,
I have a suggestion for holding free and fair elections in India. My this suggestion is in conjunction to right to recall bill being floated by you.
During elections it has been a very common practice that corrupt politicians and their agents go amongst the poor and electorates and distribute money and liquor to them in a bid to purchase votes.
In my opinion it is the time to tell and make these poor electorates that they should not at all vote for the party/candidate who is involved in distribution of money and liquor to them. They need to be made aware that this is not a fair practice and instead they should ask to redress their grievances.
Also we at Parivartan should go for videography in each such before the election night when distribution of money and liquor is suspected and should submit it to the election commission.
Let me know your thoughts. In case if need arises I am available to work with you in this area.
Dear Arvind ji,
I have a suggestion for holding free and fair elections in India. My this suggestion is in conjunction to right to recall bill being floated by you.
During elections it has been a very common practice that corrupt politicians and their agents go amongst the poor and electorates and distribute money and liquor to them in a bid to purchase votes.
In my opinion it is the time to tell and make these poor electorates that they should not at all vote for the party/candidate who is involved in distribution of money and liquor to them. They need to be made aware that this is not a fair practice and instead they should ask to redress their grievances.
Also we at Parivartan should go for videography in each such before the election night when distribution of money and liquor is suspected and should submit it to the election commission.
Let me know your thoughts. In case if need arises I am available to work with you in this area.
Some friends of mine have circulate your entry on the blog about the Noida incident with Gaurav; when you were also arrested. How do I access your blog?
Professor Yogesh Atal yogatal@gmail.com.
Incidentally, I am these days busy doing the book on the campaign against corruption.
Dear Khejriwal ji.
You are absolutely right that people are supreme. Parliamentary supremacy over the citizens is only a constitutional myth. Recently what we have seen is a political prostitution denigrating the holy cow; politicians are milking it to only further their narrow ends. Its now holy shit that stinks. Digvijay Singh is frothing foul smell in his big mouth. Challenge him to a debate on TV channel. Please read my blog http://commentr65.blogspot.com on the issue.
Dear Arvind Ji,
I have some view regarding Electoral system reform, which I felt sharing.
Today most of the people in the country discuss about the corruption and corrupt politicians who are making the roots of the country weak. Does this help anyway? We sit back in home with a cup of coffee discussing about the corrupt people weakening the country, but as an individual what we do. Most of the people in the country don’t even utilize their fundamental right to Vote. What I believe is that most of the people think that who to vote because all are part of same corruption and choosing anyone will not be eradicating the roots of corruption. The system is such that we have to choose between worse and worst this is not going to help anyway.
To see any changes in the system there is need of policy changes in electoral system and process of voting system needs to be modified. We are hearing in the news and reading articles about Anna mission of putting an end to corruption. Team Anna has set a platform for the Indians and now its duty of the Indians to take the pledge and work for putting and end to this corruption.
What we can do to end corruption, we all talk about corruption spreading in India and the corrupt politicians, but how many of us go to vote. Voting percentage is never more than 70% of eligible voters. To increase the voting percentage election commission has to take some bold steps. Few of the steps which I believe will improve the system are:
1. Before commencement of the election the candidate’s profile that is standing in the election should be uploaded on internet for the reference of the voter’s. This will help the voters to understand their representative and make a firm decision of electing them.
2. The election commission can organize a public debate between all the candidates standing for that election on common problems of that constituency. The problems can be collated by election commission of that constituency or government authority or media and this debate should telecasted, broadcasted on radio, and can uploaded on internet also the discussion summary can be published on local newspaper for the voters reference. The cost of this can be bared by government or can be shared by the candidates. This will help candidates which are serious to serve people have ideas but don’t have money power to express their views to public and will lower the cost of election also.
3. In the voting option one more option should be included which candidate can chose if he finds that none of the candidate is suitable to be their representative. This is given a term as Right to Reject by team Anna.
4. If the number of votes polled to none of the candidates is greater than a single candidate’s total votes, this will lead to re-election in that constituency with fresh set of candidates. Provision will be there to disqualify the existing candidates for the re-election depending upon the cut off percentage of the votes obtained. The cut off percentage for disqualifying the candidate can be decided by the governing body.
5. For the voters if they don’t vote provision should be introduced to penalize them for obtaining few or none of the government benefits, which can be decided. This will ensure that there is 100% voting.
6. To ensure that the voting is smooth and 100% different methods should be introduced. The voters may be allowed to vote online, by ATM, or other secure methods which can be investigated to ensure convenience of the voters. The UID of the voters can be used for authenticating and for keeping track if the voter has already voted to avoid duplicate votes.
By combine effort of the government and the citizens of the country we can ensure that good candidate is elected. Initially there may be a number of re-elections by adapting the above said methods, but in future we can expect a clean and stable government. In this way the right set of candidates will stand in election and political parties will think twice before selecting corrupt or mafia type candidates.
Hello Kejriwal ji...
First of all, i would like to thanks to you about the Jan Lokpal bill. And now People in india are thinking about the worst situation of India. For my point of view, British was good as compared to today's polictical leader. We have stepup ahead to fight against the corruption in India.
I have read all the clause of JanLokPal bill, but still corruption will not stop. I agree, this will overcome the corruption by 50%.
But If we really want to clean the poluted Indai, then we have to come together and create your own party and remove all these corrupt politicians.
Hello Kejriwaljee,
I would like too thank you on behalf of our country for what you are doing for all of us. I am a simple young Indian who always wanted to see some change. I am delighted to see India changing. I have written some my thoughts as how to make this country the best. Please spare some of your precious time for me and read this blog and comment.
Dear Mr Arvind,
i am extremly delighted to see your firm stand for fighting against corruption.i understand that u are an IIT-an.i also happen to be a Jadavpurian of 1963-batch,I really wish some more educated and Qualified people(specially youngesters) could come forward.
I feel that FDI entry in retail trade will be very benificial to our country.This is one good thing which the Govt has braught forward but the oppsitions are so politically motivated that thery are resisting the same.
In my opinion it will be very beneficial to our poor cultivatersa/kissans.Now the entire profit is taken away by the
middle man and retailers and they hardly get and substaial return.If the FDIs enter the middle man will be abolished and the poor cultivaters will get much higher RETURNS.
It is my humble suggestion that -- THe poor and uneducated
peasants/cultivaters/agriculturlists be explaind about their BENIFIT if FDI s come in. And your team should encourage them to start a big agitation that for their own benefits Govt./or any opposition parties must pass the FDI Bill or else they would NEVER CAST ANY VOTE IN FAVOUR OF ONE OPPOSES IT.
krishna gupta 29th Nov 2011
Respected Arvind Sir ,
Saadar Namaste.
I am Somdev Shatanshu, Professor, Gurukul Kangri University , Haridwar.I humbly request that we are running a gurukul in one of the most undeveloped regions of rural in Orissa since last years where 65 boys from poor families are being taught free of cost with every facility including fooding ,lodging,clothing etc. besides this ,our trust is working for the foll . :
1.) socio - economic development programmes in the area
2.) ayurvedic treatment under Swami ramdev ji maharaj.
3.) environment protection programmes
4.) organic farming
5.) social reformation and spreading vedic culture and civilisation.
this instituion is running by the blessings of Swami Vivekanad saraswati, Gurukul prabhat ashram, meerut(U.P.).On the inaugral programme of proposed university(NAVAPRABHAT VEDIC VISHWAVIDYALAYA) in the presence of respected Swami Ramdev ji.the event was a great success with approx. 2 lakh people joining the programme.
On coming 6,7 feb. 2012, we are going to celebrate dashabdi samaroh in the presence of many dignities. We humbly want to request you and Shri Anna hazare ji to bless us on this occasion.we and the public of the area would be grateful to you.
waiting for your kind reply.
with regards
MOB. 9837647427
E-MAIL I.D. -udyannk@gmail.com
Hi Arvind,
I want to serve India and want to join your group.
Presently I am working as Tech-Lead in AT&T-Atlanta.
I did my B.Tech & M.Tech from IIIT-Allahabad.
my email id - abhaysinghrathore@gmail.com
Please do reply .... Thanks
Abhay Singh Rathore
Dear Arvind,
I am an alumnus of IITMadras and IIMBangalore, and have taken VRS after serving ONGC for nearly 26 years. I have settled down at my native place, Tiruchirapalli.
1. Is there any way that I can help your movement to increase transparency in our Babudom?
2. I also believe that the next issue that your movement should take up is to turn the heat on corruption in Education sector, especially higher education areas such as Medical and Engineering admissions, where enormous amounts of money gets turned to black, due to the greed of the education system and the desperation of the parents to give their children some decent education.
3. The other areas requiring focus, are, the Health care system, the system of justice, especially the subordinate judiciary, and real estate - but these may take several Annajis and several Arvinds, I fear, but education, I feel can be tamed quite easily.
G Raghavan
@ All: I am a Blogger of Arvind Kejriwal and Would like to tell all of you that i have forwarded all of your comments for Arvind and interestingly he has shown a keen interest in your thoughts and he said that it will be given preference at the ground level.
Your participation in this movement is necessary than anything else.So all of you are invited to contribute to this movement.The important thing is that you can contribute to this movement by making the people aware by Speaking your mind and let the people know about your thoughts and this website is a platform to share your Thoughts with Arvind and millions of Indians.
hello kejriwal
It is my humble suggestion to prowoke the youth of the nation in the public meeting to make their votes immediately & poll the same. It is noticed that the youg educated blod do not make & poll the vote.
S.C. Dewan, Kurukshetra.
Dear Arvind,
I am a mining engineer from ISM Dhanbad and an MBA from BIT Mesra/Ranchi.I cogratulate you for the sacrifices you have already made for the country. You are the torch bearer for all our countrymen.May God bless you with all that you need to pull out the country from the worst governance since independence.we need a democracy without political parties.I have a suggestion.I wish I could share with you.
Dear Arvind,
I am a mining engineer from ISM Dhanbad and an MBA from BIT Mesra/Ranchi.I cogratulate you for the sacrifices you have already made for the country. You are the torch bearer for all our countrymen.May God bless you with all that you need to pull out the country from the worst governance since independence.we need a democracy without political parties.I have a suggestion.I wish I could share with you.
To - Arivand Kajriwal
sir - please provide me your direct mail id or phone no actually i have one solution of your all problem regarding Jan LokPal Bill.
Vidit Agarwal
Dear Sir
Sub:- Anna should revive agitation by ‘Jail Bharo’ without fast.
Ref:- (i)- Team-Anna should strictly restrict agitation to three issues adopted by ‘Sense of the House’.
(ii)- Diversion and absurdities like ‘Right to Recall’ or ‘Right to Reject’ and Congress-centric opposition should strictly be avoided by Team-Anna.
(iii)- Campaigning in 5 States elections against so called traitor candidates will be self-defeating
(iv)- Anna should start agitation from Delhi.
(v)- Anna should develop more lines of leadership.
Yours truly
Hem Raj Jain
H. No. 196, , 5th Bloack, 9th Main, 38th Cross,
Jay Nagar, Bangaluru, - 560041, INDIA
Mo:- 09694496012
we must fight against corruption, irresponsible and dishonest MP, hoarders of black money and incompetent governance of our country.We must identify the disonest and and the incompetent and socialy bycot them.We should do everything so that they do not win electoral battle.Let us support all those who bear the torch in the right direction
H.No- 64, SECTOR-2
Subject: Regarding internship
Dear Sir,
With due respect I am Bagul Digambar Suresh wish to state that I am an Undergraduate final year student at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, School of Rural Development Tuljapur, as institute rule we want to do one month internship in any NGO/GO/CBO in final year, I interested in working in your prestigious organization. My area of interest are issues related to livelihood, rural development, social justice, Human Right, Computer teaching, Education, Community Based Monitoring, RTI as well as Campaign of Lokpal. I have been an avid reader and done work in the same area. My target in this internship would be to work on the issues related to the above mentioned subjects in various communities and also on gathering, documenting and researching information about the same subject on underprivileged sections of the society.
During my days of internship I will try my best to contribute my level best to the organization in achieving its objectives. The duration of my internship will be of 1 month i.e. from 1st April to 30th April 2012. After this duration I want Internship certificate on our organizations later pad. Hence I request you to kindly consider my application for internship in your organization. I am looking forward for a response from you. I am also attaching my resume for your consideration. Kindly inform me to the earliest so that I may chalk out my travel plan in advance.
Thanking you in anticipation.
TO Arvind Kejriwal
Sir i am a student studying in class VIII and I with my 5 friends are making a website on corruption and i want to take ur interview and post it on my website. Sir i can take ur interview through video conference it will take only five minutes of yours. Sir pls allow us for the same.
Pritish Bhavnani
Dear Sh kejriwal,
I read with concern your anguish in the article in TOI. I would be confused if I were in your place. You & Anna's Team , NOT Gang, are doing the best & your heart is at right place. The politicians have manipulated the entire nation to believe that they wish to achieve the same goals that you have set for yourselves & hence the Civil Society is unecessarily high-jacking the the system. Many who were with you , are turning indifferent , if not against your objectives.
I will not dwell on where the Society floundered or took an incorrect course. You will analyse that yourself. I wish to leave you with an idea, if your goal is still to have a strong Lok Pal.
You know that onl;y cong can have the Bill passed. You have said that many times & you have trained your guns against them for this precise reason. you may do a De Bono & turn it around. Support Cong to have the Bill passed .I suggest that some amendments can be made in the Bill introduced by UPA . For this , Anna,s Team should approach the following to analyse & finalise the changes( you have to show some flexibilty ) :-
Mrs Aruna Roy
Mr Jaya prakash
Mr Sorabji
Dr Subramaniam Swamy
Mr Vittal( former CVC ) , one of the ex-Directors of CBI, former Election Commissioner who hails from NE, I forget his name.
Once this team decides on changes, essentially with regard to CBI & Lok Ayukta, you can go to UPA with your support for their Bill . Rather than calling it Joke Pal or toothless, the Team should highlight its many good points( It may not be the best but it is good said Pranab Da; not abad line to pick up ) & canvas for its early passage. Do not denigrate the UPA with uncalled for criticism for that shows your own OBDURACY & seemingly draws you closer to other parties who have also NOT supported your cause in the Parliament. Perceptions are often more important than reality !! Do not club the whole lot of parliamentarians as corrupt or spineless etc. There are many who are as good as any . Single out the corrupt, the jokers, the inefficient ones but also have something nice to say for those who are good !!
In the forthcoming elections , cut across the party-lines & canvas against the corrupt candidates & NOT against any Party. Your credibility will then be re-established.
This thought process may please be considered , for I am a staunch Anna supporter & the movement against corrution. I want the Movement to become stronger by the day& there should be no cause for DESPODENCY. You have a done a great job & we, the PEOPLE, depend on your vigour & energy & guidance. Without your effort , the Issue would not be centre-stage ! Without your effort, we will wait for ever !!
Lt Gen ( retd ) D P Singh
Respected Arvind Sir,
I would like to give my regard first for the work done in favor of our country.When I met you first time at your office that time I felt you a "TRUE SON OF INDIA"
You are leading them who hates these corrupt system and also We will have to establish our roots again because they had totally rotted for a long time.
Prem Singh
Dear Sir,
Dil.............Se Salute apko.
Aarnav Singh
dear arvind ji
i want to join ur team,& work for our country&something for people.who is not get justice,and to wake up people to tell against curruption& want to help to these people financialy because these people are very poor so they are fear to palitical leader and fear to talk something against corruption.so plz help us.
dear arvind ji
i want to join ur team,& work for our country&something for people.who is not get justice,and to wake up people to tell against curruption& want to help to these people financialy because these people are very poor so they are fear to palitical leader and fear to talk something against corruption.so plz help us.
Dear Sir,
Its Exclusively belongs to Arvind Kejriwal
I am Nilesh Ruparel from mumbai. I had completed MBA in Finance. I am taking this trouble to write this mail only reason I love India a lot.
Sir i had never doubt about your procedure to get lokpal in this country but i feel i have some idea which will also contribute to our success. Sir i am attaching my resume with this mail because to work together you need to understand my background. If you like my background nd if you feel comfortable to work with me than contact me my resume contain my number.
Thanking you,
Nilesh Ruparel
Myself, Brijesh N Singh, a Agriculture Post Graduate from one of the reputed Agriculture University, IGKVV Raipur and working as a senior post in a Food Processing industry.
Sir/Madam, I would like to ask some of the following things which are hammering me continuously since many years-
Instead of giving support to the students for getting good education from a good institute why the organization like Banasthali charge too much amount for prospectus or entrance fee? While we know that they are students and don't have any source of earning. dont we feel that charging the such heavy amount will be burden for their parents. Now a days almost all the reputed institutions doing the same, is this a part of income for institute? eg- suppose there is scope seats 200 and sold admission form about 2000 at the rate a heavy amount like Rs-900 comes around Rs 18 lac). What amount is suppose to expend on conducting entrance exam? This will question through RTI.
The second important point that, you have already mentioned the Last date and as well as the LATE Submission Date for submission of Farm. Why not their a single date whichever decided by the management? Last date should be last date, why huge LATE FEE? Its not like -if anyone have money they are free to submit their form after last date.
Third one is why Rs.100 extra chargeable to send the prospectus through Postal while that will cost only 20-30 rupees.
I belong from a middle class farmer family hence I know and understand the pain of a lower to a middle class family.
We request you to please discuss the same with the management team; and thin on it- is this correct?
We are also seeking support going to ask the same from RTI and ministry of Education, Govt of India.
THIS REQUEST IS NOT ONLY FOR BANASTHALI UNIVERSITY, to be sent to all such type of Institutions as well as I request to all my friends to share this with the electronic media like Face book & other sites.
Dear Mr Arvind Kejriwal,
The main reason for rampant corruption in India is its acceptance as a fact of life.
Indian intellectuals abroad lead life as second graders and those in India are under a corrupt system that rewards cheating and deception.
Masses in India are used to live under exploitation from one and all.
Life is cheap in India and unless, Indians are awake and assert their rights both within and outside India, India can never progress.
I am moved by your thoughts and the revolution you have started will change Indian psyche
Nice post all the information of the place there in the blog but it should have also contains some pictures or images of the place which look more attractive
Travel and tourism
I presume janlokpal movement as d next dandi march of gandhi to distract people from main subject..
sab jhoot moot ka soot..
Dear Sir
I Kamal Beniwal, presently contesting municipal corporation of Delhi (MCD), election from A.C -55, ward no. 211, Trilokpuri, Delhi -91 as an independent candidate.
Seeking your blessing on this crucial occasion, as I am impressed by the great samaj sevek Anna Hazari ji and the entire team. I follow your guide lines and ideologies since long time and one can see my social work in this area. Election apart, I want to work for the mankind and down trodden people. I live in deprived area, when social work and right effort is scarcely needed.
In the end, I request you kindly bless me and simply I offer my services to you.
Thanking you
With lot of regards,
Yours sincerely,
Kamal Beniwal,
28/11 Trilokpuri,
arvind ji good evening. i mohan shekhawat from rewari owner of an education institute congrats u to wake up india.sir ji sansad chalen .kanoon banayenge. desh aapke saath h. jai hind jai bharat
Anna JI, Arvind ji
I am a student of law of B.R.Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur,
Bihar. For two days i have been looking ghamasan on T.V. over Manish
Sisodia ( your team) versus Sharad Yadav. Our politicians are only
trying to twist the whole matter just only to skip the real issue that
is corruption. They are actually not serious to bring JAN LOKPAL BILL
in true sense. Otherwise they should have made introspection into
there inner selves. If a common man gives shelter to any accused of
heinous crime he will also be guilty of harboring an offender under
section 212 of INDIAN PENAL CODE. Even it is surprising that makers of
the laws i.e., Members Of Parliament never raise questions or take any
step to make such law so that not a single man of criminal background
can enter the parliament to become the maker of laws. Common people
never relish such situation but they are helpless as there is no
option of REJECT in electoral process or TO RECALL there
representatives from legislature. It is the common people who are
supreme M.Ps are the representatives of the common people so hoe can
they be superior to common people. Parliament is supreme only to
denote that it is the symbol of common people. I hope parliamentarians
will feel there fault and apologise to common people who are standing
out side the parliament raising there fingers upon them. I stand by
Manish Sisodia's statement.
Law student
Anna JI, Arvind ji
I am a student of law of B.R.Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur,
Bihar. For two days i have been looking ghamasan on T.V. over Manish
Sisodia ( your team) versus Sharad Yadav. Our politicians are only
trying to twist the whole matter just only to skip the real issue that
is corruption. They are actually not serious to bring JAN LOKPAL BILL
in true sense. Otherwise they should have made introspection into
there inner selves. If a common man gives shelter to any accused of
heinous crime he will also be guilty of harboring an offender under
section 212 of INDIAN PENAL CODE. Even it is surprising that makers of
the laws i.e., Members Of Parliament never raise questions or take any
step to make such law so that not a single man of criminal background
can enter the parliament to become the maker of laws. Common people
never relish such situation but they are helpless as there is no
option of REJECT in electoral process or TO RECALL there
representatives from legislature. It is the common people who are
supreme M.Ps are the representatives of the common people so hoe can
they be superior to common people. Parliament is supreme only to
denote that it is the symbol of common people. I hope parliamentarians
will feel there fault and apologise to common people who are standing
out side the parliament raising there fingers upon them. I stand by
Manish Sisodia's statement.
Law student
I think our nation has been failed by its leaders and I am not talking only about our politicians.
I have not seen a single Shankaracharya, a Bishop, an Imam of a mosque, a headmaster or the principal of a college leading by example.
In Chennai there is a Ramakrishna Mutt located in Mylapore. The street is always littered with rubbish but I have never seen the head of the Mutt come on the street one day with his followers and sweep the street. It would have been an awe inspiring sight for every one on that road.
The Mutt head should then go to every store or establishment on that street and with folded hands requested them not to litter the street. They would have been shamed into never throwing rubbish on the street.
The students from the school located on that road would also have been transformed by that.
Let the average citizen do the small things without expecting a reward and maybe the politicians may also change from within.
myself Tarun shrivastav.I am a student of btech ipu. recently i have reserched about the corruption in the liscence authority of delhi.(mallroad)..I came to know that the authority officers are patched up with the brockers.Authority have reserved system for the candidates who are coming through the broker.These candidates did not have to give any kind of test.But the common people have to give a test sometimes authorities donot pass these candidates so that they have to contact brokers. It is a type of exploitation for common people.
please tell me what to do further regarding this matter.
E-MAIL ID :tarunshrivastav06@gmail.com
VVS Adityam, Ex Airforce, Bhubaneswar.
contact no. 09438030092.
please contact me.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Aniruddh Pathak
Date: 2012/7/27
Subject: Re: Press Update: IAC's indefinite anshan at Jantar Mantar (July 26)
To: info@indiaagainstcorruption.org
आदरणीय अन्ना एवं साथियों,
सारा भारत वर्ष आप लोगो के साथ है और हम सब ये देख रहे हैं| ईश्वर का आशीर्वाद आप सबके साथ है | हमारी लड़ाई बहुत लम्बी है और हमें धैर्य के साथ बहुत ही मजबूत जज्बे के साथ लड़नी है |
मैंने भी एक छोटा सा प्रयास किया है अपनी भावनाओं को एक कविता में व्यक्त करने का और भारतवासियों को आह्वान करने का कि सभी लोग आगे आये और हफ्ते दस दिन के लिए सारी ताकत झोंक दे ताकि ये तथाकथित नेता गण समझे के हम सीधी साधी बकरियों को शेर बनाने में समाया नहीं लगता ....
जागो प्यारे भारत वासी जागो ओ ओ ओ ! जागो प्यारे भारत वासी जागो ओ ओ ओ !!!
जागो प्यारे भारत वासी जागो ओ ओ ओ ! जागो प्यारे भारत वासी जागो ओ ओ ओ !!!
घरों से निकलो तुम अपने सड़को पे भागो ओ ओ ओ घरों से निकलो तुम अपने सड़को पे भागो ओ ओ ओ
भारत माँ पुकारे ऐ ऐ ऐ , धरती माँ पुकारे ऐ ऐ ऐ , बच्चों का भविष्य पुकारे ऐ ऐ ऐ
आओ आगे आओ आगे आगे आओ ओ ओ ओ
आओ आओ आओ आओ आगे आओ ओ ओ ओ
मत ताको मुह और किसी का तुम खुद आओ आगे ऐ ऐ ऐ
मत ताको मुह और किसी का तुम खुद आओ आगे ऐ ऐ ऐ
ये अपनी ही लड़ाई तुम खुद आओ आगे ऐ ऐ ऐ
ये अपनी ही लड़ाई तुम खुद आओ आगे ऐ ऐ ऐ
करो तुम आवाज बुलंद इतनी गूँज जाए सारी दिल्ली ई ई ई
करो तुम आवाज बुलंद इतनी गूँज जाए सारी दिल्ली
इनके कानो को तुम इतना गुंजा दो ओ ओ ओ
आओ आओ आओ आओ आगे आओ ओ ओ ओ
जागो जागो जागो जागो जागो जागो ओ ओ ओ
जागो प्यारे भारत वासी जागो ओ ओ ओ ! जागो प्यारे भारत वासी जागो ओ ओ ओ !!!
कायर नहीं निडर बनो सच के सिपाही बनो
कायर नहीं निडर बनो सच के सिपाही बनो
आने वाली पीढी के लिए तुम गौरव बनो
आने वाली पीढी के लिए तुम गौरव बनो
झूठों दुष्टों भ्रष्टों को तुम सच सिखा दो ओ ओ ओ
आओ आओ आओ आओ आगे आओ ओ ओ ओ
जागो जागो जागो जागो जागो जागो ओ ओ ओ
जागो प्यारे भारत वासी जागो ओ ओ ओ ! जागो प्यारे भारत वासी जागो ओ ओ ओ !!!
ऐसी कदम ताल सुनाओ इनके दिलो में खौफ जगाओ
ऐसी कदम ताल सुनाओ इनके दिलो में खौफ जगाओ
अपनी एक हुंकार से इनकी नसों का लहू जमा दो
झूठों दुष्टों भ्रष्टों के सीनों में तुम डर जगा दो
आओ आओ आओ आओ आगे आओ ओ ओ ओ
जागो जागो जागो जागो जागो जागो ओ ओ ओ
जागो प्यारे भारत वासी जागो ओ ओ ओ ! जागो प्यारे भारत वासी जागो ओ ओ ओ !!!
अपनी तनख्वाहों का बिल ये ५ मिनट में पास करा दे
अपनी तनख्वाहों का बिल ये ५ मिनट में पास करा दे
नौकर गाडी पैसा बंगला मिनटों में कमा दे
नौकर गाडी पैसा बंगला मिनटों में कमा दे
ऐसे नेताओं की नसों में आज सिहरन तुम दौड़ा दो
आओ आओ आओ आओ आगे आओ ओ ओ ओ
जागो जागो जागो जागो जागो जागो ओ ओ ओ
जागो प्यारे भारत वासी जागो ओ ओ ओ ! जागो प्यारे भारत वासी जागो ओ ओ ओ !!!
गांघी तिलक भगत बोस आज़ाद का सपना सच करा दो
गांघी तिलक भगत बोस आज़ाद का सपना सच करा दो
देश को अपने फिर से तुम सोने की चिड़िया बना दो
सत्य प्रेम अहिंसा का राज्य राम का तुम फिर से ला दो
आओ आओ आओ आओ आगे आओ ओ ओ ओ
जागो जागो जागो जागो जागो जागो ओ ओ ओ
जागो प्यारे भारत वासी जागो ओ ओ ओ ! जागो प्यारे भारत वासी जागो ओ ओ ओ !!!
ऐसी भीड़ लगा दो सब कुछ आज जमा दो ओ ओ ओ
ऐसी भीड़ लगा दो सब कुछ आज जमा दो ओ ओ ओ
कंधे से कंधा मिला के तुम इन्हें दिखा दो ओ ओ ओ
कंधे से कंधा मिला के तुम इन्हें दिखा दो ओ ओ ओ
लोकपाल नहीं तो कुछ नहीं चलेगा !
लोकपाल नहीं तो कुछ नहीं चलेगा !!
लोकपाल नहीं तो कुछ नहीं चलेगा !!!
जन लोकपाल बिल !जन लोकपाल बिल !!जन लोकपाल बिल !!! (सभी साथ में एक साथ बोले )
आओ आओ आओ आओ आगे आओ ओ ओ ओ
जागो जागो जागो जागो जागो जागो ओ ओ ओ
जागो प्यारे भारत वासी जागो ओ ओ ओ ! जागो प्यारे भारत वासी जागो ओ ओ ओ !!!
घरों से निकलो तुम अपने सड़को पे भागो ओ ओ ओ
घरों से निकलो तुम अपने सड़को पे भागो ओ ओ ओ
भारत माँ पुकारे ऐ ऐ ऐ , धरती माँ पुकारे ऐ ऐ ऐ , बच्चों का भविष्य पुकारे ऐ ऐ ऐ
आओ आगे आओ आगे आगे आओ
आओ आओ आओ आओ आगे आओ ओ ओ ओ ओ
जन लोकपाल बिल !जन लोकपाल बिल !!जन लोकपाल बिल !!!
जन लोकपाल बिल !जन लोकपाल बिल !!जन लोकपाल बिल !!!
जन लोकपाल बिल !जन लोकपाल बिल !!जन लोकपाल बिल !!!
जय भारत जय हिंद
Thanks for the attempts you are making.
You must have now realized that it wont be easy to bring down these corrupt in power. Their trump card is that they are elected. They will always challenge you to come to their home turf i.e. elections where they are going to maul democracy. They know the weakness of India - the disconnect within its people and their short memory. I have a few suggestions that i think will create more difficulties for the corrupt power system. You need the support of Media here.
1. Begining 15th August, every media channel and newspaper should keep the front page and first and last 3 minutes of their news hours to carrying the status of actions taken by the government on Corruption and Lokpal. The key to the success would be the sustained barrage of hourly attacks on the government and pressurizing them to act.
The first top half of the newspaper and every first 3 minutes of news should be just one question - What are you doing in to kill corruption while you are in the Government? Every other news which is worthy of frontpage should be the bottom half and 3 minutes later on news channels.
2. If politics is the way to go, then Anna and Ramdev should join and form a party before 2014. Tha target to government should be 2019. If only spokesperson from your side speaks, the n you should be fine on the way to win the elections. Dont let leaders like Kiran and Ramev and others else speak their mind. It looks so disorganized. The key here is discipline. Ramdev should understand this. He can guide you with his cunningness. Dont fight. Trust each other.
3. Focus on only one agenda - Lokpal.
Dear Sir,
If, I have to believe media reports (especially the TV channels), Team Anna's decision to take a plunge into politics is not a good decision.
Kindly take time to go through a report that I carried in my website
Shanker MS
Dear Fellow Indians,
The next fight will be between Mr Arvind Kejriwal and Mr Rahul Gandhi. Off course Arvind will be the winner. Sonia Gandhi only dream to see Rahul as PM not any other Indian development. Stop this Gandhi loyalty in politics and project / elect this young blood Arvind the next PM
Dear sir,
TARGET BASED POLITICS..........................
i would like to suggest some points regarding politicians..
as in every private organizations, there is target based sales and marketing exists. each MP & MLA should be given monthly and annual target. performance appraisal should be done every quater. those who don't achieve targe consecutively for three quaters should be fired from the post. so india needs target based politics. plz...........
Dr Ajay pandey
I wish to suggest the name of the new party as
Swatantra Bharat.
Advocate, Hyderabad
Dear Aravind Kejrawalji,
Please name our new party as "Swatantra Bharat" which befitting to the present context and win over the country and that is needed and which is the prime aspiration of all Indian citizens.
Assuring my grand support
Advocate, High Court, AP
I am an ardent supporter of ur movement and closely following IAC's actions. While I totally endorse all your plans and agenda, I have a suggestion even though prima facie it may not appear to relate to the anti corruption crusade u r involved in.
One of the major causes of corruption in India ( like else where too ) is the equation of demand and supply. Less courts more litigants , so bribes are given to jump the queue. Few schools more children, so pay higher capitation fee and get admission. Same story with Passport offices, RTOs, at Rly Stns, Hospitals etc.etc. We need far more of each of these services to cope with the pressure put on them . Since the demand is more it is obvious that people involved with providing these services are pampered , bribed and become corrupt. A corrupt society will only throw up corrupt politicians .
And You are trying to stop this corruption !-- it will take a long time . But suppose we could reduce the population by one third or half , automatically the demand reduces by half and the need to bribe for any of the above services will reduce by half without much effort. This coupled with ur campaign could accelerate the DECORRUPTIONISATION significantly.
In my opinion , in the long run , Population Control has to be linked with any development issue we undertake. The past and present govts have only paid lip service to the issue of family planning because it takes a long time to control population and , short sighted as they are , they do not stand to gain electorally . In our life time we may not see the results of an effective family planning campaign but when I dream that 100 yrs down the line India could have a population of just 600 to 700 million I feel elated. Those generations will thank us for taking a stand that changed the course of Indian History.
Since most of your followers are urban educated youth, This issue would be easily understood by them. They could become very effective proponents of family planning , firstly by accepting voluntarily that they will marry only after 25/27 (F/M) yrs and accepting the ONE CHILD norm . They would also willingly accept the responsibility of advocating the same to the rural masses.
Do u think the issue of family planning could be somehow linked to the anti corruption crusade !
The Digital Party System – The way ahead
The first step would be the Party’s name the ‘Indian National Party’ or the ‘Nationalist Party of India’ or something similar. Then would come its base or HQ followed by its manifesto and the erection of its systems of management. I consider that the system unlike other political parties would be Electronic or Digital in spirit and revolutionary in body – A completely web based political ERP system, the first of its kind in India ensuring transparency at all levels. This would ensure minimum usage of resources as its member will log in or log out by using their own resources i.e. internet connection and computers. Contribution can also be by way of paid membership and also selection of its members can be decided by its ERP protocol and control systems with minimum physical interaction. All orders and political decisions would be open to public vide a Face Book Type forum. This system would require minimum resources to obtain as a small unit would suffice for its server and maintainence. It can also be maintained by entities like Infosys, WIPRO, HCL etc. It would hold virtual offices throughout India reporting to their respective command centers which can be from houses of its elected members. Right to reject can be used efficiently vide this system as a required number of votes can have Anna’s party remove the member immediately or take strict action like suspension, expulsion etc.
The Party members would shun official cars, housing as these would again alienate themselves from the very people who have elected them. The digital system would ensure minimum resources in fighting elections also.
All decisions regarding governance would be subject to open virtual internet based debates. All audits and accounting would be publicly maintained and accessible to all the citizens and its members alike. This would give transparency like never before to the citizens. Complaints and redressal also would be virtual against all its elected members. Statewide data basis can be maintained by linking UID cards to its membership and forums. Somebody said that the political system is now totally linked with money economy. This statement would no more hold water with such a system in place.
The members’ salaries, Funds, Expenses would easily and transparently be accountable and manageable. All their activities via this open ERP could be monitored. This system would ensure transparency in each and every step and level thus keeping the Parties fundamentals and principals intact. Annaji’s party will become virtually accessible to one and all. I hope that they adopt this new revolutionary system and give due credit to the holder of this innovative idea i.e. the author of this article ‘Manu Sharma’.
The biggest change that our Indian system of governance would see by adopting the above system would be the rise of a Public forum system for electing candidates , collection of funds and introduction of bills after due public debate and opinion. This would go a long way in ensuring fair governance. The party of course would deal with other issues of constitutional amendments to give us Indians an efficient and modern system of governance in accordance with the times and agenda of the party. There might be a revamp of our colonial style Bureaucracy followed by archaic judicial and police reforms. This government would be truly for the people , of the people and by the people both in spirit and body if they follow it to the hilt.
I hope and wish that it’s a roaring success. I would advise the public to be patient and give it a fair chance t prove itself. I am happy that I will finally have a VIKALP in the forthcoming elections from the mafia style UPA and NDA political party systems.
For full article please click on the link:
Respected Anna ji AND My dear Sri Arvind
The heart and mind of this country salutes to u and your team and wishes long life and best wishes to u all.It is very painful and unfortunate that the whole political system is callous to the noble issue raised by your team.Now when no option was left and it was decided by you to come to political platform ,there is hidden shivering and tremors in political system in the form that a lots of rumors and misunderstanding is created flashed regarding your decision to join and clean the politics .Yours movement is common Indian citizens movement and is unique in the history of India , even not less than the freedom struggle movement of this country and it will be remembered throughout the history this country.Hence ,Brothers , proceed forward with your decision as your decision matches 95% of people mandate.You are our real heroes and leader . Hence Move ,move and move forward. Our country require and demand this.Enumerable indian are ready to join u. Make effective strategy like Indian freedom movement to mobalise and do ADHIVESHANA and JAGRITY in many places in each states.
with sincere regargs
Dear Arvind Ji,
I am an Ex-Armyman and presently working in abroad as Safety Officer. Doesn't matter where I am. I am always with you to make success of our ambitions. The decesion to making a political party is right in all the ways. So that at least we can propose a candidate to cast the votes during the elections.Before making the political party, Team Anna should arrange a "JAN SAMPARK YATRA" to all states to strengthen the party. And during the Delhi elections, nominate the name of Kiran Bedi as Chief Minister candidate of Delhi. I hope this will be the first successful step of our party. My support is always with you.
Jai Hind....
Dear Arvind JI,
Make a political party as soon as possible. Generation need to fight corruption under the shelter of the party.Make it before Delhi and Loksabhaa Election.
I am prepared to be an ACTIVE MEMBER of YOUR TEAM in AP in any capacity that team decides to fight corrupt system by empowering people in a responsible way.
Dear Arvind Ji,
Thanks for giving me opportunity of casting vote by deciding forming a political party. Please accept my vote in advance. Since the last 7-8 years I have not exercised my vote just because I do not have any faith in present political system. All are alike. Who to vote?
Congress Jeeti. UPA bana. Ab PM kise banayen? Dhoondho koi Mr. clean.... Mr. clean...Mr. clean. Koi mil hi nahi raha. Are mil gaya. SMS...Sardar Manmohan Singh. Inhe baitha dete hain gaddi pe.
Manmohan G hum aapko PM banaye dete hain.
Main Madam G ????... Magar mujhe to ye sab nahi aata.
Are to aapko karna hi kya hai, sirf 2 kam. Ek gaddi pe baithe rahiye dusra chup rahiye.
MMMagar responsibility???
Wo nibhane ke liye hum hain na. Aap sirf gaddi sambhaliye...kaam sare hum apne aap kar lenge.
Magar mujhe to sahi se bolna bhi nahi aata.
Are aap chinta mat kijiye. Uske liye to Kapil, Ambika, Manish aur top of all Diggi babu hain na?
Aap kahti hain to....
Pahle stability nahi thi. Desh sochta tha ki stability aayegi to vikas hoga. UPA aayi, Stability layi. Ghotalon ki stability. Nikammepan ki stability. Black money pile up karne ki stability. Besharmi dikane ki stability. Desh ne aisi stability kabhi na dekhi thi. Ab.........
......kya desh tabhji jagega jab ye log desh ko kangali aur badhali ki halat mein choodkar videshon mein ja basenge. Kya tabhi hindustani.....maaf kijiye....voter apne bal nochega ki ye kya kiya maine. Aandolan karna President ko nahi bhata. Kahte hain isse arajakta phail sakti hai. Dear Sir, agar non-violent movements se arajakta phail sakti hai to aap chahte kya hain? Desh Violent movement kare ya chup rahkar tamasha dekhta rahe? Vaise hum aapki baat ko gambirta se nahi lete kyonki aapne ye baat kahkar sirf un logon ka Dhanyavad Prastav parit kiya hai jinhone aapko President banaya.
Chalte chalte: For our Mr. cool...oh sorry! Mr. coal, Honorable Prime Minister:
Ghotale pe Ghotala, Bete to bete baap bhi kala.
Thank You hai ji. Kucchh baatein man main thi.. kah di.
Naam: Amit hai G
श्रीमान केजरीवाल व अन्य महोदयजी जागरण डॉट कॉम पर विचार पदोन्नति में आरक्षण देखें देश के विचार जिनमें एक यह है :- आजकी राजनीती बुच्च्ड खाना हैं जहाँ सारे कस्साई इक्कठा हो कर देश के एक एक वर्ग की धीमी हत्या करते हैं ६० वर्ष की उम्र मैं कर्मी की सेवानिर्वती का नियम से कर्मियों की पदोन्नति रुक गई है. एक रेंक पर २०-२५-३० वर्ष कार्य करते कर्मी तनाव ग्रशत होकर, हत्या आत्महत्या कर रहें हैं. अंधी साकार को केवल वोट बेंक दीखता है. क्योंना सरकार आपने मंत्री को पदोनती दे कर सोनिया गाँधी की जगह बैठा कर दिखाए/ आई.ए.एस / आई.पी.एस आदिओं की पदोनती मैं रेजर्वेसन लागु करे. इनका कमजोर पर बस चलता हैं, इनका धर्म पैसा और वोट हे
जनता का शोषण पहले राजाओं ने फिर राजनेताओं ने किया. जातिओं की आर्थिक कमजोरी पर शासक वर्ग जिम्मेदार है. जितना अधिक धन राजाओं और राजनेताओं के पास है उसी के कारण देश की कुछ जातियो मैं आर्थिक कमजोरी है. पहले राजनेता और राजा अपना धन देश को दिखाएँ. राजनेता कुशासन व अपनी दौलत के कारण जनता का शोषण कर रहें है. राजाओं का खात्मा अप्पार धन के कारण विदेशी आक्रमणकारियों से हुआ अब राजनेताओ का खात्मा विदेशी स्वीश बैंक में जमा धन के कारन होगा. नियम बने अर्थी कमजोर घर मैं केवल एकको सर्विस मिले और पदोनती नहीं.
कुछ मायने दलितों के पिछड़ने में इसी जाती के पढ़ेलिखे/सबराह्न्त लोग जिम्मेदार है सन १९७७२ में हमारा एक दलित गांववासी तिन किलोमीटर दूर हमारे स्कूल में टीचर था, एक दिन स्कूल पैदल आते जाते एक लड़के ने पूछा मास्टर जी आपकी इस बड़ी उम्र में कल आपके छोटे से घर में सांतवा बच्चा पैदा हुआ है, टीचर ने कहा हम अपनी भी उतनी जनसंख्या बनाएँगे जितनी जनसंख्या तुम्हारी है! दलितनेता इनको अपनी रक्षा अपने हाथ है वाला रास्ता इस लिए नहीं दिखाते कियोंकि इन्ही असली दलितों के कारण उनकी राजनीती/पैसा है! राजनीती इज गंदिनीति
वोट एक फसल है, इसको जनता की भावनाएँ रूपी बिज़ से लोगो के मन रूपी जमी पर पैदा किया जाता हैं! नेता ज्यादा फसल जब लेगा जबवो ज्यादा बिज़ बोएगा! किसी पिछड़ेवर्ग के नेता ने अपना घर परिवार छोड़ अपनी जाती पर अपनी कमाई नहीं उड़ाई परन्तु जाती के लोगो को आर्थिक कमजोरी पर भड़काने के लिए गुमराह जरुर किया है! पिछड़ेवर्ग ने अपने को खुद पछाड़ा है! चमड़ा कारोबार व् दुसरे ऐसे कारोबार जिनको पहले कुछ जातियां ही करती थी आज उन कारोबार से दूसरी जाती के खूब पैसा कम रहें हैं!
शीर्षनेताओं की ईमानदारी सोच दलितों का उद्धार जरुर कर सकती हैं! अपनीमूर्ती व् हाथीमूर्ति पर बर्बाद पैसे से राज्य के दलितों का आर्थिक उद्धार हो सकता था! पहले निम्नवर्ग के लोग जूतीचप्पल बाहर उतार कर उच्चवर्गी घरो में जाते थे! एक दलित नेता ने बदले की भावना से अपने घर के बाहर लोगो के जुतें उतरवाएँ! बदला कभी ख़त्म हुआ है, क्या यह ठीक है काल का बदला आज लें और आज का बदला कल लें.. मामला सोच/समझ के पिछड़ेपन का है जो गलत करेगा वो मानसिकता से पिछड़ा कहलायेगा, जो उठने की कोशिस ही ना करे उसे कोंन उठाएं
आरक्षण मतलब अयोग्यव्यक्ति की पदोन्नति / भर्ती और योग्यव्यक्ति का अधिकार हनन! अयोग्य की पदोन्नति/ भर्ती से देश का विकास बाधित. अयोग्य डाक्टर मरीज पर भरी हर अयोग्य से देश जन का केवल नुकसान ही नुकसान. केवल और केवल राजनेतिक वोट लाभ. आरक्षण केवल आर्थिक कमजोरो को पढाई में हो, चाहे उनको निशुल्क शिक्षा दो! पढाई के बाद जैसा ज्ञान वैसा काम! वर्ना नीम हकीम खतरा ऐ जान. जो जिस काबिल उसे वैसा काम.. आरक्षण जाती से नहीं आर्थिक कमजोर रूप से कमजोर को! आरक्षण राजनीती बंद करो-देश विकास ओपन करो.
समय आ गया है इस भ्रष्ट लुटेरी कांग्रेसी सरकार को अपदस्थ कर चुनाव होना चाहिए अब हम (अवाम) इन्हें और लूट खसोट करने की इजाजत नहीं दे सकते है।
जय हिंद।
Appleal of a citizen to Team anna
Jai Hind,
Listening to the daily news in TV my Patriptism and curiotsity to fight against the corruption is increasing Day By Day,Now it is the Time to fight for our right and free India from this devil(Corruption).I belong to the city which is being affected by this devil, I urge Anna ji and his Team members to make people of villages aware of corruption because the corruption do not affect the high standard people but it affects the poor and the people who fight for their livil hood. I am also affected by this factor as a citizen of india Its my personal view to aware and educate the villagers about the corruption I am from Small City District Una Himachal Pradesh.I will twll wtah is happening there.
I was lecturer in Govt. College Una HP. joined in 2009 The person Who appointed me was a congress party supporter “I never involved in any kind of politics.” completed my BA and MCA from the Same college its was my luck that i got appointed there for the lecturership and to teach the students of the college where i completed my education. after one year of my Teaching ther Principal of the college retired and new principal “Mr. Amarjit Sharma” appointed as Principal cum Director if that college (Supporter of BJP and in family relation with Mr.ID Dhiman Edu. Minister HP Govt.) now I am telling the True Story here I got married on the basis of that job. The New Principal One day called me and asked me to leave the job just because I was appointed by a HOD who was a congress supporter and said that I am supporting congress party . but some how i also managed politically to retain my job in year 2010. frustated by the college adinistration left the job in sept 2011. this college is a center of politics the students here are fully exploitesd by the local politicians on the basis of Elections(NSUI & AVBP) the students fight with each other last year there was a condition of riots during the elections. the surrounding area(Santoshgarh,Talliwal,Haroli,rampur,Jhalera,Basal,Amb,Mehatpur,Saloh,Behra,Choki maniar,Chintpurni,Mubarik pur,Daulatpur) 50km surrounding are basically villages and the people there mostly survive on agriculture only the poeple in UNA city are in profession. some of the people might hardly able to manage their livilhood such are exploited by the politicians. So i urge Anna ji and his team members to educate the villagers .now its the time to swipe this garbage out of india and to teach politicians “what are these politicians”,”what is their duty “
Mr . Kejriwal,
The best thing you can do politically is put up 15 to 20 candidates who are prominent cItizens like the team Anna members , gen v k Singh etc . In the next general elections . This.can form a powerful pressure group in the parliament .
Mr kejriwal , the best thing you can do is put up 15 to 20 prominent citizens like team Anna members gen v k Singh etc fOr the next gen elections . This will make a powerful pressure group in the parliament
Hi Arvind, I am Neeraj Jasrotia working with US Based MNC and want to extend my support to you. I am trying to reach out to you bud dont know how can I do it. No Mobile no available. I have couple of things to discuss which can be helpful in next election.
arawind daro nahi me janata hoon jabase apane ye abhiyan shuru kiya hai apaka dil roj dhadakata hai aur apako bhrastachar mukt bharat apaka aur team ka sapana samane dikhata par sapna vahi dekh sakta hai jisme pura karane ka dam ho aur wo ham logo me hai
laharose darakar nauka par nai hoti
himmat karane walo ki har nahi hoti
ham ladenge ham ladenge ham jarun ladenge
har koi kaheta hai ki rajneet daldal hai par koi use jakar badalna nahi chahata apane chaha hai wo jarur pura hoga apako mera pura samarthan jai hind
home ministry ne alag se kashir ke liye project , invite kiya tha .
yahaan bhi jam kar paise khaye gaye .
main apke ek officer ka naam de raha hoon .
MR DHANI--011-23092932
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कार्टूनिस्ट arvind की गिरफ्तारी के बाद ये लगने लगा है कि देश के भ्रष्ट नेताओं और व्यवस्था को बदलने के लिए क्रन्ति हिंसक होने वाली है/ देश को आजाद हुए करीब पैंसठ साल हो गए लेकिन जनता जनार्दन में असंतोष बढता ही गया , तबी तो हर जगह, हर शहर , हर कोई धरना- प्रदर्शन होना आम बात हो गयी है /
हाँ अब ऐसा होने लगा है कि धरने-प्रदर्शन के लिए अनुमति लेने कि प्रथा शुरू कर दी गयी है , लेकिन किसी ने भी ऐसे हालात पैदा करने कि कोशिश नहीं की, जिससे इन धरने प्रदर्शनों की आवश्यकता ही नहीं रहे /
कुछ ऐसी बातें हैं जिससे साफ़ हो जाता है कि सरकारें यानी हमारे नेता कितने निकम्मे और बेशर्म हो गए हैं -
एक - सुप्रीम कोर्ट द्वारा प्रोन्नति में आरक्षण को गलत ठहराए जाने के बाद भी तुरंत ( यानि बिना सोचे- समझे ) संविधान संशोधन कर इसे लागू करने की घोषणा कर दी /
दो - जब संविधान संशोधन करना ही है तो राजस्थान के उन गुर्जरों के लिए क्यों नहीं ? जिन्होंने आन्दोलन में सत्तर लोगों की कुर्बानी दी है/
तीन - नितीश कुमार हों या कोंग्रेसी उनेह गुजरात में मोदी का विरोध करना है तो कहते हैं , नैतिक आधार पर वो मोदी को गुनाहगार मानते हैं जब की मोदी को गुजरात दंगों के मामले में किसी भी कोर्ट से सजा या दोषी नहीं ठहराया गया है /
तो फिर ये अलग- अलग मानक क्यों अपनाये जाते हैं ? आज भी सरकार में या विपक्षी पार्टियों में या तो औद्योगिक घरानों की पकड़ देखि जा सकती है या फिर अंग्रेजों के समय में उनके साथ रहे रियासतदारों , राजाओं के परिजनों की मतलब साफ़ है ? सत्ता बदल गयी , देश बाँट गया लेकिन हालात नहीं बदले /
आजादी अभी अधूरी है, अब क्रांति जरूरी है /
जय हिंद / जय भारत /
Ashok Chaudhary
email: ashok8181@gmail.com
Respected Arvindji and Anna ji,
You are doing a really great job, I am among those people who wanted to change the sitautions in India and would feel agressively sometimes that want to take some action.But never knew from where to start or to say I don't have that much knowledge. As you knowledgeble people have come forward and prepared the lokpal bill. When I am trying to understand these things,i feel we need people like you and not these politicians.
My advice too is to form a political party but not taking in a single person from the current political parties. Ask people from different states (new candidates) who have good politicl line or any required line education and expereince as u have as a Joint commissioner in Incom tax department.
Basic thing is form a party with true knowledgble and new candidates to form your party, we are there with you.
firepot1@gmail.com & firepot3@gmail.com
correption mitana aasan hai.... check youtube link
My Deaar Arvindji,
First and foremost, my congratulations and deepest appreciation for your resolve to eradicate corruption in India. Now, about me, I am an 83 year old ex-Flight Engineer from the Indian Air force, retired after the Indo Pak war of 1971-72 after having served the country for 21 long years.
During service also I was a fighter against injustice. In order to fight the corruption, after retirement, I completed my Law degree LL.B.,and M.A., in Public administration.From Punjab University, Chandigarh. Enrolled as an Advocate at the Kerala Bar council, and started my practice at my home town Ottapalam, in kerala. Unfortunately, though I found the Law as a very intereting subject, but the atmosphere at the Bar was not to my temperament and character. So after three years of service in theBar, when Singapore Airlines called me for my basic profession at Singapore. Evebn at Singapore ,during the infamous Emergency of the Congress, I used to write in the local media about the coruption in India. From there I was shortlisted by the I.C.a.O.MONTREAL, as anexpert and posted me to Bahrain with GulfAirand after three years again they posted me to Kuwait with Kuwait Airways. At kuwait , I continued for 16 years and finaly resigned to be settled back in India. But as the fate would decide, immediately one Aviation company in the USA called me to help them set up their facility based at Washington D.C. After three years I resigned that post and came back to my native place in kerala, but theRed rule had made the life of ordinary citizen unbearable to live in the God'd own country. so I left my home town and presently living in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.
Now I am glad that you have decided to form a Political Party and my heartfelt congratulations for yur success.
I have one request, please do not fall prey to the crooked vultures among us to deviate from your mission of corruption free Bharat. Jai HInd. God be with you.
dear arvind ji
i would like to thank you to show us this day of giving hope to our nation in our lifetime of bringing back the glory that was lost by our political leaders & the right approach & the option by choosing your party to save our country from the infections & diseases of corruption , loot , etc..
Thanking You from my bottom of my heart...
we are always against corruption
face book:Deepak Kuluvi
Dear sir
Nice......I always support you...
with regards
Ajay Kumar
Our Government is opening up various business opportunities in form of FDI. But has Government of India or these foreign investors have made their business ethic policy for doing business in India as we find that all over the world they have put various restrictions in form of Child Labor, eco friendly colors and other environment and health practices?
Respected Arvind Ji
I want to join your party and meet u. I want to actively take part in social services and against corruption. Please give me your contact information.
Arvind ji,
Your at the right path,go ahead
dont look back ,we are all with you
country needs you,take care
Hi Arvind,
our law minister should resign on moral grounds.
this is to ensure impartial inquiry against him.
otherwise government machinery could be used to distort the inquiry.This is area where enough stress is not given.
This point should be raised again and again to sustain the movement and take people into confidence.
dont make my comment vissible
Dear Arvind ji,
Please suggest or help me regarding passport.
Sir, I have applied for fresh passport from Passport Seva Kendra, Sahibabad on 08th June 2012, The File No. GZ1060360196912. Police had verified my address & me and as a token money I gave him Rs. 800 against his demand of Rs. 1000 in 2nd week of July 12.
From the same date, the status on passport portal was "police verification initiated, your passport is awaited for clear report from SP office". I have even E-mailed Mr. NN Kaushik (PGO, Ghaziabad)but the reply was quite unwilling.
For the same, I visited RPO Ghaziabad on 26th Sep 12 and met Mr. Kaushik, but even his reply was not convincing. The reply of Mr. Kaushik was "The verification from your permanent address still awaited and need to submit Affidavit if your both address is same", in response of that I said "What's the need to submit affidavit if I am staying in my own house since last 10+ years" and had an argument.
Like me, there was more than 1000 persons on same day for same reason having argument in RPO. I had conversation with many agents and all replied that its all because these officers are not getting bribe and money.
Sir, I have lot of hope on you and waiting for your kind response.
Shailesh Kumar Jha
Mobile: +91 7838812751
HNo. 456, Sector-5, Vaishali,
Ghaziabad, UP - 201010
Mr. Kejariwal will you allow me to investigate your NGO kabir and its function.
against threat to your life,file FIR not with police but with people of india.
hello arvind ji,
ur way is ryt to remove the curruption frm the india ...but really curruption improve day by day m the final yr student of engg. frm I.T branch in Priyadarshini college of computer sciences greater noida..jisko Rajeev gandhi ji ne bnvaya tha 1990 r aj us clg me kevl education ka ek bussiness chl rha h bcho ko fsa kr admission krate h na clg me faclty h na he lab h r na hmari scholarship milti h mere father farmer h loan le k pd rha hu..r yha pe na to ye companies bulate h r na he kuch sochte h..r hmare kapil sibbl ji khte education ka levl bd rha h hmare india me kuch nhi bd rha h kevl bussiness ho rha h education..sir kuch advice de hm student kya kre..congress ka clg h isliye hme dba diya jata h police ki trf se bhi..sir ye meri email id h vshashank000dwivedi@yahoo.co.uk
ispe aap mujhe apna marg darshn de skte h thank u..
Arivind je me apke party joine karna chahta hu ,me agra me rahta hu ,me apke vichro se pure tarah sah mat hu/
Dear Arvind Ji,
परिवहन निगम ने किराए में राहत संबंधी आदेश जारी करके विकलांग दिवस पर विकलांगों को जोर का झटका दिया है। अब सरकारी बसों में सौ फीसदी विकलांग ही एक सहयोगी के साथ फ्री यात्रा कर पाएंगे। निगम मुख्यालय से जारी यह आदेश बदायूं डिपो में आने के बाद तत्काल प्रभाव से लागू कर दिया गया है।
विकलांगता के प्रतिशत को लेकर परिवहन निगम की बसों के किराये में छूट का मामला काफी विवादित रहा है। अभी तक चालीस फीसदी से ज्यादा विकलांगता प्रतिशत वालों को प्रमाणपत्र दिखाने पर किराए में छूट मिलती रही थी। इस बीच समाज कल्याण विभाग ने सौ फीसदी विकलांगों को ही यह सुविधा प्रदान करने का निर्देश दिया तो हंगामा मचा। इसके बाद भी किराए को लेकर उहापोह की स्थिति बनी हुई थी। समाज कल्याण विभाग के इसी आदेश के आधार पर पिछले दिनों परिवहन निगम ने अपनी बसों में इसे लागू करने की घोषणा की। अब विकलांग दिवस पर प्रांतीय मुख्यालय का यह निर्देश बदायूं डिपो मुख्यालय पहुंच गया। एआरएम पीएस मिश्र ने इसे तत्काल प्रभाव से लागू भी कर दिया। श्री मिश्र ने बताया कि सौ फीसदी विकलांगता का सक्षम अधिकारी से निर्गत प्रमाण पत्र दिखाने पर ही रोडवेज बसों में यात्रा निशुल्क कर सकेंगे। ऐसे विकलांगों के एक सहयोगी को भी यात्रा सुविधा निशुल्क दी जाएगी। सौ फीसदी से कम विकलांगता वाले लोगों को अब पूरा किराया देकर ही यात्रा करनी होगी।
Dear Sir,
It is with extreme distress that I have to state that my sister, Kritika Agrawal is not being considered for the NEET-UG exam which is to be held on 05.05.2013 this year.
It has been clearly defined in the eligibility criteria issued by the exam conducting body that candidates born on or between 01.01.1989 and 01.01.1997 are eligible.
Also, AIIMS which is the premier institute for medical examination had clearly defined in last year's examination that candidates born on or after 02.01.1996 are NOT eligible. This naturally made the students born on 01.01.1996 eligible.
Now that NEET has been started for the first time this year, the eligibility criteria should follow the apex body (AIIMS).
In line with both the arguments mentioned above:
1. Last year's AIIMS eligibility criteria.
2.This year's NEET's eligibility criteria as per their information bulletin,
I request justice from your end.
Looking into last year's eligibility criteria Kritika has prepared her hearts out for this medical examination only to come to know that she will not be able to appear in the same.
I hereby request you to consider this matter as extremely serious and do the needful so that this little prospect for medical examination is given justice.
मेरे प्यारे देशवासियों,
पिछले दिनों हमने देश की राजधानी में एक बीभत्स घटना को अंजाम तक पहुँचते हुए देखा.. दिल्ली में जो कुछ हुआ उससे हम सब वाकिफ हैं |
२ दिन मीडिया में भी चर्चा का विषय रहा, फिर गुजरात चुनाव का रिजल्ट आ गया और सब खुशिया मनाने में मशगुल हो गए |
सवाल ये है की क्या ये दो दिन में भूलने वाली बात है या खुशियों में इस परमानेंट दर्द को भुला जा सकता है ?
इसपे सबने अपनी अपनी राय दी, कुछ ने कहा फांसी देनी चाहिए, कुछ ने आजीवन कारावास | जो जहाँ तक सोच सका अपनी राय दी | ज्यादातर लोग फांसी को प्रायोरिटी दे रहे हैं |
पर जरा सोचिए क्या फांसी देने से उस लड़की को सच्चा न्याय मिल पायेगा ?
वो जो अब एक जिन्दा लाश है , हर पल मर रही है, हर लम्हा उसके लिए मौत से भी बदतर है, जो अब जिंदगी और मौत के बीच किसी एक को भी नहीं चुन पा रही....उसके अपराधिओं को फांसी की सजा क्या न्यायसंगत है ?
हम आम जनता भी उत्तेजित होकर बार बार उन अपराधिओं को हमारे हवाले करने की मांग कर रहे हैं, क्या करेंगे हम उनका ? देश का हर नागरिक अगर सिर्फ एक हाथ मारे तो भी वो सब थोड़ी देर में मर जायेंगे..
तो क्या उसके अपराधिओं को मौत की आसान सजा देकर हम उसे न्याय दे पाएंगे ?
नहीं !!!!!!
वो तो मर जायेंगे पर वो लड़की हर पल उन्हें याद करके रोती रहेगी.
तो फिर इसका निवारण क्या है
मुझे लगता है ये भीड़ हमें उन अपराधियो को पकड़ने से पहले कानून को बदलने के लिए जुटानी चाहिए | हमें इन अमानवीय अपराधिओं के लिए अमानवीय सजा का भी प्रावधान करना होगा |
आवाज बुलंद करें जैसा अपराध वैसी सजा,
इन अपराधिओं को ऐसी सजा दी जानी चाहिए जिससे ये मरें भी नहीं और जीने के लायक भी न रहें
जितना अमानवीय अपराध, उतनी अमानवीय सजा और ये सिर्फ बलात्कार के लिए ही नहीं बल्कि हर जघन्य अपराध के लिए होनी चाहिए जैसे :
और इसके लिए देश के कानून को पूरी तरह बदलने की जरुरत है | हमें देश के अपराधी राजनेताओं को भी आम अपराधिओं में शामिल करना होगा और उन्हें भी इसी कानून के अन्दर रखना होगा | तभी बनेगा भ्रस्टाचार मुक्त भारत |
आप सब से अनुरोध है इस पर आप अपनी राय जरुर दें और अपनी आवाज बुलंद करें |
जय हिन्द
Devbrat Dubey [देवब्रत दुबे] (श्याम)
+91 8451941574
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